(9 Ratings)

Part Three Herstory of Witchcraft

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Herstory of Witchcraft Part One

  • Course Content
  • Introduction
  • Introduction Part Two
  • Chapter One: Sumer
  • The Sumerians
  • Inanna, the Sumerian Goddess
  • Chapter two: Zoroastrianism
  • Zoroastrianism Origin
  • Zoroastrianism Origin Part Two
  • Zoroastrianism origin Part Three
  • Zoroastrianism origin Part Four
  • Zoroastrianism origin Part Five
  • Personal Reflection
  • Personal Exercise
  • The Story of the Dark Goddess
  • The Story of the Dark Goddess Part Two
  • Congratulations!

Herstory of Witchcraft Part Two

Herstory of Witchcraft Part Three

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 9 Ratings
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10 months ago
Really good foundation for putting religious beliefs into a new perspective. Excellent framework for describing the differences between patriarchy and matriarchy, and what each is, and isn’t. Great class!
10 months ago
I found this course to be an interesting dive into the history behind witchcraft.
Jeanette Gushue
11 months ago
This was a fantastic journey through the history and evolution of the Witch. Really enjoyed this course!
Raven Healey
11 months ago
Again! This course absolutely had me sucked into the knowledge and magic! History is one of my favorites subjects, and this hit the nail on the head for me! I couldn’t get enough about hearing about the Sumerians. And I loved learning about how the history of witchcraft is wound with the history of Christianity. Reading about the Gospel of Arcadia has me so intrigued to look into it and learn more about it! I had no idea this existed. I felt validated with my journey so far, hearing the names of the founders of Wicca that I have heard before :)
Angela Houghton
11 months ago
Woah. So much information condensed into bite-sized pieces. I was raised to question and distrust religion, so some of this information was not new to me. However, the depth and breadth of what was covered absolutely WAS new to me. And some of the tidbits that I learned along the way absolutely enhanced my understanding of witchcraft and its power in pushing back against the patriarchy. My mind is full and I must go and percolate on all this information for several days, maybe weeks before it all sinks in. I feel liberated having learned this material.
11 months ago
This was an amazing course! So much amazing information packed in. This has helped me to dig through old Christian upbringings and release what no longer serves and fully step into this path.
11 months ago
This may have been my favourite yet! I really enjoyed learning about how witchcraft originated. But also very much so about Christianity came to be and the effect that it had and still has on society as a whole. After growing up an extremely religious home, hearing things from the other side of the spectrum was quite liberating.
11 months ago
The first and second parts of this course present content that can be very challenging for many of us as it discusses the creation and history of modern western religions. The material is presented in a very practical and accessible manner, allowing us to see this history from a different perspective. I feel that analyzing the origins and outcomes of modern religion does allow us to strip away the layers that have been imposed on us and allows us to find our true authentic selves. Happily, part three of this course does discuss witchcraft and the evolution of the witch.
12 months ago
Where to begin? With gratitude. Thank you for this wonderful learning presentation. Her Story of witchcraft is a fresh and in deep dive into the world of our inner beliefs system with , a great explanation on the religious structures of our current societies, just like a lantern , a guided map and a story to a self discovery. The Inanna journey was very interesting to me. I appreciated the synchronicity of those inspiring stories. In a parallel story: Oshun's plea to Obatala involve sacrificing her own powers or undergoing a challenging journey, similar to Inanna's descent to the underworld, as a means to secure the salvation of humanity. Mary Magdalene's reinterpretation of the concept of sins as the "7 Powers of the ego" is also a thought-provoking perspective, highlighting the importance of inner reflection and self-awareness in various spiritual traditions. Thank you for your wisdom, your intense researches and the beautiful creatives way you choose to shared it. blessings to you sister.